For faster navigation, this Iframe is preloading the Wikiwand page for Jew's harp. Guttural singing by Ganzorig Nergui is accompanied by traditional morin khuur violins decorated with horse heads, yatga and yoochin zither, tobshuur lute, shamanic drums, rumbling flutes, Jew's harp. The creativity of „Altai Khangai musicians is endless due to variety of instruments their passion. This trio has the energy of whole orchestra and using this power they are telling secret Mongolian history, reveals traditions and secrets of people's viability of entire nation.
Clothes. If you are coming here from abroad during the winter, you will find that your clothes are insufficiently warm. Russians and Yakuts know a thing or two about keeping warm, so Yakutsk is a fine place to pick up a coat or some fur lined boots. The cheapest options, and they are very affordable, are without a doubt in the city markets, Stolichny (Столичный) and Mann'yttay (Манньытаы). To avoid the stresses of haggling and "foreigner" pricing, you can pay a bit more in any of the shops and boutiques in the small downtown commercial center along Lenin Prospect, like Atlant (Атлант), Optimist (Оптимист), Favorit (Фаворит), Apel'sin (Апельсин), and many others.
Museum of Khomus narrates the provenance of the khomus (trump) with demonstration of khomus playing. For this purpose school of khomus playing is organized in the museum. Surely, the most interesting collections are collection of Innokentiy Nikitich Gotovtsev - Khohun Uus - collection from International interactive competition ‘Amynnyky michere' (‘Smile of Amynnyky'), and also collection of Ivan Fyodorovich Zakharov - Kylyadjy Uus. They are exhibited for tourists.

The musician is sure: learning the game on the khomus is a deep journey inside yourself. In a literal and figurative sense. I fully agree with this statement, a third-year student of one of St. Petersburg's universities, Mikhail. In Peter, he came to study from central Russia, with the Yakut students became friends in the first year.
The Yakut khomus consists of the following parts. The frame looks like a ring (tierbes) and its two straight ends (syngaakhtar) have four sides, which are called internal (iss) and external (tas) cheeks (iedester). The tongue (tyl) has a knee (khokhuora) and a rounded tip (chyychaakh).
Discovering the history of the Jew's harp is a bit like being a detective in a mystery novel, piecing together the evidence from geographic similarities, discovered artefacts and literary and visual sources. Crescendo hits as all previous musical elements re-enter together (pre-prepared) and instrumental performance by the coder continues.

One of the masters of the various techniques of instruments used throughout the world, is Tran Quang Hai of the National Centre for Scientific Research, Paris. Anyone who saw his lecture on diphonic singing at Saint Chartier this year could not be other than bowled over by the audacity of his playing and the incredible variety of sound achieved.
old jew's harp needs fixing i understand